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Friday, December 17, 2010

Smiling Without A Reason Isn't That Hard!

What makes you happy? Can you measure how delighted you are? According to the 'Gita Rahashya' happiness is mathematically defined as

Desired fulfilled/ Desired entertained.

It is believed to attain ANANT or joy one must reduce the denominator i.e. desired entertained till it becomes null. And this stage of infinite desired fulfilled is when one achieves happiness in life. But is it indeed that complicated?

Think about it, doesn't something as simple as feeding the kittens in your office campus, or fagging alone on the roof top make you feel complaisant. The sight of a flock of birds flying in the evening sky leaves a vague smile on your lips. Have you ever thought why you feel good at something as insignificant as this?

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” ~ Abert Camus, French philosopher and author

Think about it!